All commands, including item names included in the command string, are case sensitive.
A carriage return <CR> must be sent to execute the command.
<Execute cue 4, on ‘Playlist 1’, using any programmed fade, wait, and follow times.>
API.PlayListGotoAndExecuteFollows('Playlist 1', 4) <CR>
<Release ‘Playlist 1’.>
API.PlayListRelease('Playlist 1’) <CR>
In addition to the above command set, Cognito supports much more advanced scripting
using its built-in Lua interpreter. For more information on the Lua programming
language, see www.lua.org.
Contact Closure Control
The RS232 serial connector also offers a simple method of running Cues. A momentary
dry contact closure between Common and another pin will trigger the functions below.
Pin #
1 Common
Advance to next cue in Playlist currently
assigned to Left Playback
3 Pause
Toggles DBO (Dead Black Out)
DMX IN Control
The DMX input port can receive DMX512 levels and use that information to trigger
Memories recorded in the first Memory Page. DMX channel 1 controls Memory 21, DMX
Channel 2 controls Memory 22, and so on. The mapping allows the first 20 Memories to
be recalled from the console, leaving the external DMX source to act as a ‘fader wing’.
Up to 380 Memories may be recalled using the DMX input.
Show File Management
Archiving/Restoring a Show
Cognito saves all changes immediately to internal storage. Shows may also be backed
up and restored from any portable USB drive.
Press the Power button once. Touch the Setup icon, then the Show File icon. Choose
from “Create a New Show”, “Open a Show File” or “Save a Copy of this Show”. The last
option saves the show to Cognito’s internal storage.
To backup to or restore from USB, plug a USB drive into any of the USB ports on the
console. Press the Power button once. From the on-screen menu, touch Setup. From