Pin Button and Pin Crossfade Timings
Located just below the Cognito badge between the fader banks, the Pin button provides
a simple method of transitioning between lighting looks when in SELECT or PLAY.
With a lighting look activated by using the faders or manual control, press the Pin button
to hold the look (i.e. pin it to the stage). Intensity levels or other attributes may now be
readjusted, without the look onstage being affected. Press the Pin button again to
transition (crossfade) to the newly set look.
To change the Pin crossfade tie, press the Shift button plus the Pin button. The Edit Pin
Crossfade Time box will appear. Touch the keypad icon or use the B wheel to change
the default time. Timing may be changed on the fly between uses of the Pin button.
USB Ports
There are a total of four USB ports on the console: two on the top surface, and two on
the rear panel. Any port may be used for a mouse, keyboard or USB stick. The top
ports are also suitable for a USB-powered work light. The USB ports are capable of
charging a cell or mobile phone, but not a tablet device.
The USB ports are fully functional, including charging, even when Cognito is running on
Power-over-Ethernet (PoE).