Drag and Drop Improvements
Earlier versions of Cognito only allowed you to move Memories in Mixed mode. Also
dragging Memories to Cues in Mixed mode always did a copy. Likewise, moving cues
within a Playlist had unpredictable results because we didn’t ‘Move Cue State’.
You can now move anything anywhere (i.e. in Mixed mode, move a Memory to a new
slider, Memory to Cue, Cue to Memory, Cue to Cue, Cue to Cue on another Playlist) and
when we move, we always move State.
In PLAY MEMORIES, to move a Memory you must press EDIT (this is new). If you want
to copy either a cue or a memory, hold down SHIFT before you drag.
Control Wheels shows Light mimic
When you select a Light and go to CONTROL WHEELS, there have always been four
(or less) ‘bubbles’ to show you what the Yellow, Red, Green and Blue wheels do. We’ve
changed the ABCD indicator icons to look more like the wheels and now draw a mimic of
what the Light is doing between the bubbles.