Operator's Manual
Issue 14
Mar 2016 / UMC0071
©2016 Oxford Instruments NanoScience. All rights reserved.
(meaning ‘status device
motherboard1, temperature1, temperature signal target value setting to 4.321K is valid and has
been set’)
10.3.5 Nouns
Elements within the iPS are addressed by a hierarchical structure:
A Unit contains a number of Devices.
A Device contains a number of Signals.
The structure of NOUNS reflects this:
For instance, DEV:<UID>:<TYPE1>:SIG:<TYPE2> encompasses
examples for <TYPE1> = TEMP, HTR, LVL, GAS
examples for <TYPE2> = VOLT, CURR, POWR, RES, TEMP, SLOP, HEL, NIT
<UID> is a unique identifier that is allocated to each board, based on its SPI location.
A SYS:CAT command must be executed to retrieve the device UIDs.
The general format of UIDs is:
DB# - for daughter boards, where # is the slot id.
MB# - for the motherboard.
SIG is returned as a value, followed by the scale.
The scale is of the form:
n# - nano
u# - micro
m# - milli
# - none
k# - kilo
M# - mega
where # is replaced by the relevant SI unit. For example: