Using Windows file sharing function, after reboot, share gets lost. Is there any
work around?
Create a batch file and place it in your startup folder. To create batch file:
Open up Notepad
Type in “net share sharename=DriveLetter:path” (For example net share NASPer-
form =F:)
Save the file as a .bat extension. (For example, the file name would be called “ Net-
Why can’t my computer go into hibernation or standby?
If you want to use your computer in hibernation or standby, you must have the
NASPerform unmounted before that can occur. Click on the NDAS Device Management
icon on your system tray, select the NDAS device, and click unmount to disconnect the
NASPerform. Then computer will go into hibernation or standby.
I have clicked on the NDAS Device Management icon on my desktop and nothing
The icon on the desktop is only used to launch our icon into the system tray, if for some
reason it is not already there. The icon in the system tray must be tested working first.
When I try to copy something to my NASPerform, why does the following show up:
“Cannot copy NASPerform Administrator: The disk is write-protected. Remove the
write-protection or use another disk.”?
You probably do not have Read/Write access. Please unmount write access from an-
other computer (Mac most likely) first. Click on the NDAS Device Management Icon in
your bottom-right system tray. Go to your NASPerform and then click on “Enable Read/
Why can’t I format my whole NASPerform to FAT32?
Windows 2000/XP comes with a limitation of only 32GB partitions that it can create. This
is a Windows limitation and the only resolution is to use a 3rd party partitioning soft-
ware swissknife downloadable in http://www.compuapps.com. With our Multi-Write
drivers, NTFS is recommended anyways for stability and performance purposes.
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I have plugged in NASPerform to my USB port and cannot see NASPerform in My
First double check jumper setting in the hard drive; it should be set to Master made in
IDE drive and single Master for Western Digital hard drive. Please plug NASPerform into
a different USB port on your PC, or try using different USB cable.
With Windows 2000/XP and Mac, the NASPerform uses the Operating System’s built-in
USB drivers, therefore, no additional software is necessary. Please make sure that your
NASPerform is formatted to the supported files system to meet requirement of your
network environment.