To mount NASPerform again, just choose the desired access permission and click
to complete.
D) Write Access
In a network environment where only Windows 2000 or XP computers need to access
and share NASPerform, every computer can be assigned or mounted with Read/Write
access permission and all computers are able to read and write to the NASPerform si-
However, in a network environment with all Macintosh or mix of Widows PC and Macin-
tosh sharing the NASPerform, to prevent data corrupt on your NASPerform device, it is
very critical to remember, all Windows PC computers can mount the NASPerform with
Read/Write permission and all Macintosh computers mount NASPerform with Read-
Only. If one of the Macintosh computer needs to mount as Read/Write to the NASPer-
form, please re-mount all the other computers (both PC and Mac) as Read-Only first, and
mount the Macintosh computer as Read/Write.
E) Unregister NASPerform
To unregister the NASPerform, please eject and unmount the NASPerform drive first,
then highlight the NDAS device, click
to unregister it.