GN Otometrics A/S
CAPELLA Cochlear Emissions Analyzer
User Manual
eartips are designed to fit over the end of the probe and per-
mit a tight seal in the patient's external ear canal. Please see the in-
structions on the eartip assortment box for proper attachment on the
probe tip.
Use a new eartip for every patient. Select an appropriately sized ear-
tip for the patient’s ear canal - the eartip should fit snugly. Use only
the eartips supplied with this probe.
Eartips should be used on only one patient. The eartips are in direct
contact with your patients, and you should therefore observe strict
hygienic precautions to prevent passing infections from one patient
to another. It is therefore recommended that you use only disposable
Most eartips are disposable, and should not be cleaned or re-used.
Always throw away disposable eartips after use on a patient.
There are no special requirements for disposal of the rubber eartips,
i.e. they may be discarded in any regular waste bin.
Portable use
is a fully portable system, but the optional carrying case is
recommended for safe transportation. Before packing the system,
Probe tip
Probe body
Probe cable