Firmware version 1.10 - Document version 1.06 - eng
Allowed values are listed below. Avoid operation with non-listed values.
When 0x0000 the input multiplexer is disabled (default value)
When 0x0001 the filtered TR input is selected
When 0x0100 the free running oscillator is selected
When 0x0200 the software trigger SW1 is selected
When 0x0400 the software trigger SW2 is selected
Bit fields [15:11] and [7:1] of these registers are unused. When writing these bits, they must be set
to zero.
14.2.9. Registers GEN_DELAY_BASE[0-1]
Each bit field [1:0] of these two registers holds the time base selector for the generation of the pulse
delay in the relevant pulse generator.
: time base selector for generation of pulse delay in generator 1
: time base selector for generation of pulse delay in generator 2
Allowed values are in the range from 0 to 3 and are listed below. Avoid operation with non-listed
When 0x0 a time base of 1 µs is selected (default value)
When 0x1 a time base of 10 µs is selected
When 0x2 a time base of 100 µs is selected
When 0x3 a time base of 1000 µs is selected
Bit fields [15:2] of these registers are unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.10. Registers GEN_DELAY_COUNT[0-1]
Each bit field [9:0] of these two registers holds the actual count for the generation of the pulse delay
in the relevant pulse generator.
: pulse delay setting for generator 1
: pulse delay setting for generator 2
Allowed values are in the range from 0 (default value) to 1023 (maximum value). Avoid operation
with non-allowed values.
According to the time base selected in register
[x] and the count set in
[x], the pulse delay may be calculated using the following formula:
Delay[x] [µs] = value(GEN_DELAY_BASE[x]) * value(GEN_DELAY_COUNT[x])
The pulse delay may range from 0 µs to 1,023,000 µs with variable absolute resolution.
Bit fields [15:10] of these registers are unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.11. Registers GEN_WIDTH_BASE[0-1]
Each bit field [1:0] of these two registers holds the time base selector for the generation of the pulse
width in the relevant pulse generator.
: time base selector for generation of pulse width in generator 1
: time base selector for generation of pulse width in generator 2