background image

Operating instructions:
1. Catheter insertion:

 Catheter insertion should always be carried out using an aseptic technique and hand hygiene is  

  essential to reduce the risk of catheter associated urinary tract infection

 All additional products used with the 

Ugo Foley Catheter

 during the procedure must be sterile 

 Insert the 

Ugo Foley Catheter

 into the urethra using a water soluble lubricating gel 

 Always ensure the catheter is fully inserted and urine is draining before inflating the balloon to  

  ensure the balloon is not inflated in the bladder neck or urethra 

 Use the catheter product record label stickers to record catheter details and retain according  

  to local policy 

 Apply 1 sticker to the “patient implant card” supplied in the 

Ugo Foley Catheter


  and provide to the patient.

Patients requiring long-term catheters should be continuously assessed and have them removed 

when not required.

2. Catheter removal:

 Deflate the catheter balloon slowly by attaching an empty syringe to the valve  

  of the inflation lumen 

 To avoid the catheter tubing collapsing in on itself, gentle and slow deflation is recommended  

  to empty the balloon without force 

 The balloon must be completely deflated before the catheter is gently removed 

 If the balloon does not deflate, seek a suitably trained healthcare professional for assistance

Catheter care:

 After the catheter is inserted, ensure it is connected to an appropriate urine drainage  

  bag or catheter valve  

 Secure and support the catheter and urine drainage system to prevent trauma and discomfort 

 Wash the area where the catheter enters the body daily with soap and water. Do not use moisturiser  

  or talcum powder

Potential complications and side effects:

There is a risk of serious complications associated with having a Foley catheter including trauma, 

discomfort and infection. These complications may be related to the catheter in situ or may be related 

to a health condition. If you experience any of the following seek medical help immediately;

• blood in urine or blood clots 

• swelling, inflammation or discomfort around catheter site or bladder/pelvis  

• cloudy, foul smelling urine 

• feeling unwell, high temperature, nausea/vomiting or in any pain/discomfort 

• urine not draining/catheter blocked or urine bypassing around catheter or in discomfort 

• bladder pain and spasms

There is also an increased risk of chronic infection and the additional complications this can bring. 

Always adhere to your local policies and procedures for the treatment and management of catheter 

associated urinary tract infections.


Dispose of all catheterisation equipment in line with your local waste disposal policy.



Ugo Foley Catheter

 is supplied in sterile pouch packaging in a protective box.

Содержание Ugo 3350

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Страница 2: ...ow to view the Ugo Foley Catheter IFU in the appropriate translation Alltranslationsabovelastupdated April2020 Contents Poland CzechRepublic Greece Finland Norway Denmark Sweden Netherlands Germany It...

Страница 3: ...processing cleaninganddisinfectionmayalsocompromisetheproduct characteristics resultinginphysicalharmorinfectiontothepatient TheUgoFoleyCathetershouldbeusedbyahealthcareprofessionalinaccordancewithloc...

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Страница 5: ...te seekasuitablytrainedhealthcareprofessionalforassistance Cathetercare Afterthecatheterisinserted ensureitisconnectedtoanappropriateurinedrainage bagorcathetervalve Secureandsupportthecatheterandurin...

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