“Tachograph VDO” (only in Omnicomm Configurator) – use for Continental
tachograph connection
“Frequency of data transmission to server” – select the number of days for the DDD
files transmission to the communication server. Possible options: from 1 to 28 days.
“Delete personal data before transmission” – if necessary, enable deleting the driver's
personal data prior to data submission to the server.
“iQFreeze” – use for connection of the refrigerator control device
“Modbus (, PMP-201)” – use for connection to the level gauge PMP-201 or
the system
“TPMS Pressure Pro” (only for RS-232 interface) – use for connection of the tire
pressure sensors though TPMS Pressure Pro protocol
“Truck-TPMS” (only for RS-232 interface) – use for connection of the tire pressure
sensors though Truck-TPMS protocol
“TPMS 6-13” (only for RS-232 interface) – use for connection of the tire pressure
sensors though TPMS 6-13 protocol
Auxiliary Equipment
Omnicomm OKO video terminal