“Acceleration threshold” – value of acceleration while speeding up, which
exceeding will trigger registration of accident
“Lateral acceleration threshold” – value of acceleration while turning, which
exceeding will trigger registration of accident
“Braking threshold” – value of acceleration while braking, which exceeding will
trigger registration of accident
“Send SMS upon triggering” – enable SMS sending upon registration of accident
“Send photo upon triggering” – enable digital camera photo sending upon
registration of accident
“Axle load” – enable/disable control of vehicle axle load and total vehicle load.
“Data source” displays the axle load data source. Possible options: ALM Weight
Indicator and CAN.
To select the ALM Weight Indicator as a data source choose Indicator in the RS-485 or
RS-232 interface configuration.
To select the CAN bus as a data source enable SPN 582 and SPN 928 in the CAN
settings tab.
If the ALM Weight Indicator and the CAN Bus are both set as data source, the ALM
Weight Indicator will be used.
Operation Parameters Setting
Omnicomm OKO video terminal