Operation instructions
Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
6.9 Prog-key
The key used for configuring the telephone numbers and for programming the installation data by the
installer. To set the telephone numbers, the key has to be pressed shortly. This key is also used to
confirm and store input. For further information about the set-up, see part 7 "SET".
By pressing the Prog-key repetitively, the display shows all current settings without altering them.
In case a setting has to be modified, all questions asked have to be answered, until the message
appears. Quitting the set-up program during configuration by using the esc-
key, will restore all previous settings!
In case this key is pressed prolonged (five seconds), the Octalarm will switch over to the
installation program. The text
will appear on the display. Press
the esc-key to leave this program. The settings in this program require understanding of technical
matters and are only intended for the installer. Modifications introduced arbitrary can lead to an
alarm being reported wrongly or not at all.
6.10 Esc-key
Press the esc-key in order to quit a configuration or a program on the display and to return to the
previous menu without saving a possible modification. Also use this key to end the configuration or the
programming and to return to the standard program of the Octalarm.