Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Installation instructions
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
18.7 Prog 42 “set dial sequence”
Within this program, the order of the call numbers to be dialled for the connected alarm channels and
for the "mains failure" and "battery empty" channels can be re-assigned. This is done using two alarm
entries on the Octalarm-T16. Alarm entries 1 and 2 are connected to the same channel internally, etc.
The following options are available for each single channel:
Select the desired telephone report order as follows:
: the alarm concerned is not reported by telephone, but locally by the alarm buzzer.
: the dialling starts with the call number set first (usually number A). In case this
report fails, the Octalarm will attempt to call the next number set. All defined numbers will pass
in alphabetical order from A through J, whereby a blank number will be skipped automatically.
If, for instance, 4 numbers are set, these numbers are dialled alternately until the reset
procedure is passed through correctly. The reporting stops after 15 unsuccessful report
: makes a selection from the call numbers A through J for each single alarm
channel possible. Compilation of reporting groups is possible as well, whereby a reset by
telephone must be received from each reporting group before the reporting ceases. With this
option, the following question appears:
Enter the numbers to call using the cursor keys. The numbers defined are dialled alternately until
the reset procedure is passed through correctly. The reporting stops after 15 unsuccessful report
Creating reporting groups is possible as well. The call numbers belonging to one group are
entered immediately after one another. Groups of call numbers are divided by a "+" sign. In an
alarm situation, a report will be sent at first to the first group. After one of the call numbers resets
the report by telephone, a new report cycle to the next reporting group is initiated.
: report only to call number A. The reporting is stopped after a reset by telephone or 15
unsuccessful report attempts.
: report to call number A and, in case no reset is given, followed by report to B. If again no
reset follows, back to A, etc. Reporting to these numbers is stopped if one of the two numbers
gives a reset by telephone or after 15 unsuccessful report attempts.
: 4 report attempts to call number A and only then an attempt to call B. The reporting
stops after 15 unsuccessful report attempts, the cycle AAAAB will also be repeated 3 times if
: reporting is limited to call number A exclusively. After a reset by telephone or after 15
unsuccessful report attempts, a second complete reporting cycle to call number B will still be
started. Also, both call numbers have to acknowledge the reception of the report.
: reporting is carried out to the group of call numbers existing of A, D, C or B and to
the group of call numbers existing of E or G. The dialling order in a group is determined by the
order of the characters. The reporting to the first group is stopped if the report is reset by
telephone by one of the numbers A, D, C or B. Now, the report is sent to the second group,
until one of these numbers called gives a reset by telephone as well. For each individual
group, 15 report attempts are carried out at most.