Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Operation instructions
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
The Octalarm -T4, -T8 and -T16 are equipped with a night time mode. When the Octalarm operates in
night time mode, this is indicated on the display.
The night time mode influences the following functions:
Start conditions (delay times included) of the telephone report.
Start and stop conditions (delay times included) of the built-in buzzer and the external signal
The volume of the built-in buzzer.
Locking the keyboard.
The night time mode is set using the installation program.
The night time mode cannot be activated on the Octalarm itself. For activating, it disposes of an
individual input that is to be connected to external devices such as a burglar alarm, a key switch, a
time switch, an access control system, etc.
Example of a configuration
If the night time mode input is connected to a burglar alarm, the night time mode is activated
automatically the moment the burglar alarm is switched on, for instance when leaving the location.
The reports can be carried out as follows:
Reports during daytime
The acoustic alarm sounds instantly after detecting an alarm.
The telephone report only starts after 5 minutes, allowing a prior reset of the Octalarm.
The acoustic alarm does not stop until the device has been reset or if a possible telephone report
has succeeded.
The operation of the Octalarm will not be locked.
Reports during night time
The telephone report starts immediately after receiving an alarm, without any delay.
The acoustic alarm only sounds after the telephone report fails. Possible neighbours can be
alerted through these signals.
The operation of the Octalarm will be locked.
Using daytime as well as night time mode, the telephone key and the buzzer key are to be
operated as usual (providing the operation not being intentionally locked). However, while
switching from daytime mode to night time mode or the other way round, the night time mode
settings, as selected in the installation program, are re-applied.