Copyright 2010-2017 Obihai Technology, Inc.
Tone Patterns
Note: Tone and Ring Profile A default settings are set for North American telephone standards. Tone and Ring Profile B
default settings are set for Australian telephone standards. Tone profiles for other countries are available for download
from the OBiTALK forum.
Tone Profile Features of the OBi Device
The general format for tone profiles follows the following format: [field-1];[field-2];[field-3];...;[field - 6]
Use ";" to separate the configuration fields.
Note that no spaces are allowed to be used in a tone profile pattern.
1 Composition:
This field describes frequency components used for tone synthesis and it supports up to three different frequencies.
The frequency expression is a string of numeric values with the notation '+' or '-'.
The numeric values are the frequency's decimal values in Hz and amplitude in dBm (Maximum 3 dBm).
Different frequencies are separated by ',' .
The above example illustrates the 1st frequency at 350 Hz with strength at -18 dBm, the 2nd frequency: 440 Hz with
strength at -18 dBm and the 3rd frequency: 550 Hz with strength at +2 dBm.
2 Composition:
This field describes the overall tone playback duration in seconds.
The expression is a numeric value, and supports up to 3 decimated digits.
The numeric value can negative, zero, positive, or skipped:
Negative value: tone plays indefinitely
Zero value: tone playback is skipped
Positive value: Normal playback duration
No value: tone plays indefinitely
Meaning: tone playback terminates after 30.234 seconds
3 to Field
6 Composition:
Field - 3/4/5/6 share the same definition, and each field describes one single cadence segment. Together 4 fields form
a macro-segment, which will be repeated until tone playback expires.
The expression is a string of numeric values with the special notation '/', '(', ')' and ','.
It has a complete format as below: