Copyright 2010-2017 Obihai Technology, Inc.
Anywhere inside a
<ScreenItem>; usually
inside a <text> element
Whereas $org is a property of the first conferee, this is the corresponding
property for the second and third conferee respectively
Anywhere inside a
<ScreenItem>; usually
inside a <text> element
Whereas $timer is a property of the first conferee, this is the
corresponding property for the second and third conferee respectively
Anywhere inside a
Whereas $charges is a property of the first conferee, this is the
corresponding property for the second and third conferee respectively
Any child element inside
Whereas $muted is a property of the first conferee, this is the
corresponding property for the second and third conferee respectively
<LineKeyStyles> XML
This is an XML document that specifies up to 16 styles that a Line Key can be displayed with. Recall that a Line Key
screen tile has 3 components that can be styled: TextLine1, TextLine2, and Icon. If the Line Key has the function field set
Call Appearance
, a 4
element <icon2> is also available. In addition, the width, height, xpos, ypos,
background color and background image, and the border around the screen tile can also be styled.
The root element is <LineKeyStyles> which encloses up to 16 <style> element as shown in the below skeleton:
<LineKeyStyles ...>
<style id="default" ...>
<text1 .../>
<!-- TextLine1 Style -->
<text2 .../>
<!-- TextLine2 Style -->
<text3 .../>
<!-- Small Text ovelays to show number of calls on the key -->
<icon .../>
<!-- Icon Style -->
<style id="xyz" ...>
<text1 .../>
<text2 .../>
<icon .../>
<icon2 .../>
A Line Key Window is a 160Wx34H-pixel area (120Wx34H on the OBi1022 and 220Wx60H on the OBi2000 Series)
evenly spaced on the right of the screen. This window defines the root bounding box of each soft key. With
<LineKeyStyles> you can define an area that is equal to or smaller than the root bounding box and place it anywhere
within the root bounding box (using the xpos, ypos, width and height attributes for the <LineKeyStyles> or <style>
elements). The attributes defined in <LineKeyStyles> are inherited by all the child <style> elements; each <style>
element can define its own set of attributes to overwrite what are inherited).
Elements in a <LineKeyStyles> XML
<LineKeyStyles> Required:
Optional: bgimg, hlimg,
width, height, xpos,
ypos, font, size,
textcolor, border,
Root element that contains all the <style> elements. The attributes
define the default attribute values to use in each <style> element if they
are not specified in <style>.
Required: id
Optional: bgimg, hlimg,
width, height, xpos,
ypos, font, size,
textcolor, border,
bordercolor, hidden
Each <style> defines a style that can be referenced by id by a Line Key in
the Style field of that Line Key parameter. A <style> may be referenced
by 0 to many Line Keys. By default the Style field of all Line Key
parameters is blank to refer the <style> with the id "default".
If an attribute is not specified in <style>, it inherits the value from the
same attribute in <LineKeyStyles>