NVR-3304POE, NVR-3308POE, NVR-3408POE-H2, NVR-3416
User’s manual ver.1.1.1
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S. A.
SHOW MESSAGE --show message on video out display
BUZZER - activates NVR buzzer for selected time
To save changes, click on the APPLY button or the OK button to apply the changes and exit.
DEFAULT button restore default settings.
5.10. Display
Display settings are available after selecting DISPALY icon in SYSTEM menu.
5.10.1. GUI
Tab GUI sets the appearance of the graphical menu is displayed on the video recorder outputs.
The following setting are available :
TRANSPARENCY - sets the transparency of the background menu in six levels.
CHANNEL NAME DISPLAY - enables / disables the display of the channel name in the lower
left corner of the preview window
DATE DISPLAY - enable / disable the date display in the preview window cameras
5.10.2. Output mode
Tab allows you to change display settings on the NVR outputs.
The following setting are available :
OUTPUT PORT - chooses settings for VGA&HDMI or CVBS video outputs
HUE,BRIGHTNES,CONTRAST,SATURATION - allows you to set these parameters using a
sliding bar