NVR-3304POE, NVR-3308POE, NVR-3408POE-H2, NVR-3416
User’s manual ver.1.1.1
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S. A.
5.5.6. IP Filter
IP filter function allows to restrict access to NVR web interface for computers with specific IP ad-
dresses. The following options are available :
RESTRICTED TYPE : TRUSTED SITES - allows access to NVRa only for addresses included
in the list
ADD IP - enter IP number and press this button to add address for list of trusted IPs.
DELEATE IP - remove selected IP from trusted list
DELATE ALL - remove all addresses from trusted list.
Check ENABLE checkbox to make settings active and press OK or APP to save setting.
5.5.7. Alarm server
Allow to configure connection with alarm server. This function will be available in feature.
5.5.8. Auto register
This function will be available in future.
5.5.9. Transcapacity
This setting allows you to limit the number of sent streams to connect to the DVR using the web inter-
face. There are the following types of constraints:
MAX CONNECTION - maximum number of users connected to NVR
NETWORK CONNECTION NUM - Maximum number of network channels viewable by the
NETWORK DOWNLOAD NUM - the maximum number of channels for replay or download-
ing records