Hardware Specifications
Hardware Configuration and Overview of Functions
Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
Hardware Configuration and Overview of Functions
The ATM switch accommodates up to 16 ATM lines per unit and performs
nonblock switching of fixed-length data (53 bytes) called ATM cells.
Shown below are the functional blocks that comprise the ATM Switch.
Figure 4-2: Functional Block Diagram
The principal processes performed in each functional block in the switch/CPU card
are described below.
GWPAD controls the assembly and disassembly of cells according to AAL5
when the CPU communicates with the NMS (Network Management System)
via ATM line or when switching cells according to SVC.
ASW is a functional block composed of ATOMSW (output buffer type switch).
This functional block controls cell switching.
CLK generates system clock.