Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
Message Identifier: The message identifer is used to associate ATM cells that carry
segments from the same higher layer packet.
Maximum Information Rate: Refer to PCR.
An ABR service parameter that controls allocation of bandwidth between forward
RM-cells, backward RM-cells, and data cells.
Multimode Fiberoptic Cable: Fiberoptic cable in which the signal or light
propagates in multiple modes or paths. Since these paths may have varying lengths,
a transmitted pulse of light may be received at different times and smeared to the
point that pulses may interfere with surrounding pulses. This may cause the signal
to be difficult or impossible to receive. This pulse dispersion sometimes limits the
distance over which a MMF link can operate.
Motion Picture Experts Group: An ISO Standards group dealing with video and
audio compression techniques and mechanisms for multiplexing and synchronizing
various media streams.
Multiprotocol over ATM: An effort taking place in the ATM Forum to standardize
protocols for the purpose of running multiple network layer protocols over ATM.
MPOA Client
A device which implements the client side of one or more of the MPOA protocols,
(i.e., is a SCP client and/or an RDP client. An MPOA Client is either an Edge
Device Functional Group (EDFG) or a Host Behavior Functional Group (HBFG).
MPOA Server
An MPOA Server is any one of an ICFG or RSFG.
MPOA Service Area
The collection of server functions and their clients. A collection of physical devices
consisting of an MPOA server plus the set of clients served by that server.