Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation: A reduced bit rate variant of PCM
audio encoding (see also PCM). This algorithm encodes the difference between an
actual audio sample amplitude and a predicted amplitude and adapts the resolution
based on recent differential values.
ACR Decrease Time Factor: This is the time permitted between sending RM-cells
before the rate is decreased to ICR (Initial Cell Rate). The ADTF range is 0.01 to
10.23 sec. with granularity of 10 ms.
Authority and Format Identifier: This identifier is part of the network level address
Acts on behalf of another person or thing, with delegated authority. The agents
goals are those of the entity that created it.
Aggregation Token
A number assigned to an outside link by the border nodes at the ends of the outside
link. The same number is associated with all uplinks and induced uplinks associated
with the outside link. In the parent and all higher-level peer group, all uplinks with
the same aggregation token are aggregated.
ATM-attached Host Functional Group: The group of functions performed by an
ATM-attached host that is participating in the MPOA service.
Artificial Intelligence: Perhaps the next phase of computing. The present form of
IA in computer software are called Expert or Knowledge Based systems.
Signaling ID assigned by Exchange A.
ATM Inverse Multiplexer: A term discontinued because of conflict with an
established product. Refer to AIMUX.