Checklist for Initial Operation
• Is the voltage within the range of 21.6 V to 26.4 V?
• Is the PICO controller connected to the power supply and switched on?
• Are the dispensing valves connected to the PICO
Do not operate a valve without fluid. The nozzle plate can be damaged when dispensing without fluid and leaks can
occur as a result. Precise dispensing is no longer guaranteed at that point.
• Are the dispensing valves filled with fluid to prevent a dry run?
• Have the technological requirements for dispensing been met (dispensing material, connection to the PICO
controller, connection to a potential primary control unit, logistics for the parts, etc.)?
• Are the external transducers for binary input signals (hand or foot switch, light barriers, limit switches, keypads,
PLC, etc.) properly connected and ready for operation?
• Has the correct source of potential been selected (internal potential for switches, external potential for operation
with PLC)?
• Have the correct control programs for the individual channels been loaded from the SD card (Download/Upload
menu option)?
• Have the control programs for the individual channels been tested (proper dispensing and pause times)?
• Is the intended operating method (Process Data > Automatic menu option) selected correctly for the individual
channels (automatic, CAN, manual mode)?
• Does the IN_STOP signal have the correct level of +24 VDC?
• Does the IN_FAULT_PLC signal have the correct level of +24 VDC?
• Are the EMERGENCY OFF switches on the dispensing unit easily accessible to operators?
• Is the correct language set for the operator?
• Are the time and date set (System Data menu option)?
To Start Operation:
If all of the requirements have been met, the dispensing sequence can begin. Activate the respective IN1 to IN10 (for
automatic mode) input signals or press the Enter key (for manual mode). During dispensing, the green LED for the
active channel illuminates on the front of the PICO controller.
PICO Controller 2+2-XCH-V2
www.nordsonefd.com [email protected]
+1-401-431-7000 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.