Pulse-Pause Blocks
A block of 2 to 99 pulse-pause lines is referred to as a pulse-pause block. A delay of 0 to 9.999 seconds (in
increments of 1 ms) can be inserted between two lines that are to be linked.
A block is started for each channel with binary signal IN1 to IN 10 or through the PICO controller menu.
When lines are linked, the completed line activates the next (linked) line without an additional start signal (passive
activation). Infinite loops can also be programmed.
An infinite loop can be interrupted only with the signal IN_STOP or, in manual mode, with ESC. Always test
Binary signals (start signals) can be generated by key, by hand, foot, or limit switches, or by a PLC, industrial
PC, etc. The binary signal that is to trigger the start of a line must be specified in the line program. The following
momentum diagram shows an example of a pulse-pause block consisting of three linked lines.
The block shown in Example 1 consists of three lines with different constant pulse and pause times as well as a
different number of impulse cycles per line. Line 1 is started with input signal IN1 to IN10. Linked lines 2 and 3 are
started after completion of the previous line. A delay was inserted between lines 1 and 2 as well as between lines 2
and 3.
A delay between 0 and 9.999 ms can be selected.
Amplitude (V)
Start of the block with an input signal
Time (t)
End of the bock
Figure 2: Example 1—Pulse-pause block with three lines / rows
Row 1
(8 cycles)
Row 2
(6 cycles)
Row 3
(4 cycles)
time 2
time 1
Pulse 1 Pause 1
Pause 2
Pulse 2
Pause 3
Pulse 3
Output Impulses (continued)
PICO Controller 2+2-XCH-V2
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