When the automatic closing function (see Chapter 5.1) is selected with the specific dip-switch a timer is activated that controls
the “Pause Time”, following an opening manoeuvre. When this time has elapsed a closing manoeuvre is automatically activated.
If this time has never been programmed it is set at 30 seconds but any time value can be selected, from 1 to 1023 seconds (about
17 minutes) by means of a specific procedure.
Proceed as follows to set “Pause Time”:
Set the 2-way dip-switches as indicated; in this way “Pause Time Programming” is selected.
Select the time wanted with the 10-way dip-switch:
Dip 1 On
= 1 Second
Dip 2 On
= 2 Seconds
Dip 3 On
= 4
Dip 4 On
= 8
Dip 5 On
= 16
Dip 6 On
= 32
Dip 7 On
= 64
Dip 8 On
= 128
Dip 9 On
= 256
Dip 10 On
= 512
So if you want a pause time of, let’s say, 25 seconds turn dip-switches 5, 4 and 1 ON (the sum of 16+8+1=25).
Once you have selected the time you can proceed to memorisation.
“Pause Time” for automatic manoeuvres is memorised with this procedure.
All the programmable parameters are stored on a permanent memory on the card; it could happen that you need to cancel all
what is stored in one go and to do this you have to proceed as follows:
Set the dip-switches as indicated; in this way “Cancelling the Memory” is selected.
Now proceed to memorisation which, in this case, confirms cancellation.
With this operation all the parameters contained in the memory are cancelled. ATTENTION! with the memory reset it is as if the
gearmotor has never been installed so it will be impossible to move the gate/door normally; in this case, the first command to
reach the inputs when the “CLOSE” key is pressed will immediately activate an “initial distances search” procedure.
Eng li sh
2 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2