5. MENU screen
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Amount of mercury adsorbed by the zero filter
Clearing the mercury adsorbed by the zero filter.
Use the "Total Hg" button to clear the amount of mercury adsorbed.
This button was provided for use in verifying when the zero filter should be replaced.
The value should not be cleared until the zero filter has been replaced.
Failure to follow the above could result in the zero filter replacement timing becoming
unclear, thus resulting in incorrect measurement values being obtained.
Concerning the timing of replacement of the zero filter
The status of use of the zero filter can be verified on the Setting (1/3) screen.
The background color indicates the status of use.
Once the background color has turned completely red the zero filter will need to be
Once the zero filter has reached its replacement lifespan a warning display will appear.
(For more details refer to 7.2 "Errors and warnings".)