5. MENU screen
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Start the measurement by pressing the "START" or Start/Stop button.
Connect the Tedlar bag containing a standard mercury gas to the tip of the probe.
The measured value will display in the MEASURE field.
After the measured value has stabilized, press the "APPLY" or Start/Stop button to
terminate the measurement.
When the ratio F of the measured value to STD (the concentration of prepared
standard mercury gas) is within 0.5 < F < 2, the calibration is complete. The screen
below will then display and a new F value is saved.
When the F value is outside the range, the calibration will fail and the previous F
value is saved.
If a calibration does fail no correct measured values can be obtained because the
equipment has not been correctly calibrated.
Probable causes of a failed calibration include the following: the concentration of the
standard mercury gas was not adjusted very well or the equipment is too stained.
Re-calibrate the equipment after preparing another standard mercury gas again.
If calibration of the equipment fails again, contact our service representative.
(Refer to 10 "Contact".)
<Failed calibration>
<Success in calibration>