SMTP Configuration
Figure 74
This page allows the setup of SMTP parameter .
SMTP Server: the smtp server to send mail
Port: port used to communicate with SMTP Server
Username and Password: Credentials to be used to send email
Retry: number of retry(ies) in case of transmission errors.
Send test email: it will send an email to check if parameters are correct
WARNING: Only standard SMTP (not encrypted) is supported.
FTP Configuration
Figure 75
This page allows FTP connection configuration. Sending Measure Table is related to
Measure log transfer and this is explained in the related section.
FTP Configuration table allows to setup all parameters for FTP server connection.
Internet connection is required.
Server: it is the server address
Folder: it allows to specify subfolder to be used. The directory MUST exist
Username and Password: credentials used to connect to the server
Port: port used to connect to the server
Tries: number of attempts in case of failure.
Save changes to continue
WARNING: Only standard FTP (not encrypted) is supported.
Channel Alarm Types
Thresholds in NI400 alarm settings are here described.
WARNING: all alarms evaluations are computed AFTER linear or polynomial conversion,
if any.
Low and High Thresholds
Thresholds are basically limits to sensor’s ranges. If a threshold is overcome (lower value
so low threshold, or higher value so high threshold), the alarm is triggered.
Derivate alarm will analyze, at n sample, value of n-1 sample and compare to n sample.
If value(n)-value(n-1)>threshold, an alarm is triggered.
Derivate alarm, linear conversion
(Ln*S+Lz)-(Ln-1*S+Lz) > threshold
Ln is last sample, while Ln-1 is second-last sample. S is sensibility parameter and Lz is off-
set (Zero reading) in linear conversion’s channel settings.