There are pretty much the same options in the “NI400” Section, except for Frequency
Event Nr. Dropdown menu will let you choose the number of events in alarm at which
the datalogger triggers the alarm. 1 means at the first occurrence, 2 will skip first value in
alarm, and if it still in alarm during next acquisition the alarm will be triggered, otherwise
there will be no alarm event.
Dropdown menu will let you choose the number of events after which the data-
logger will cease to trigger. NEVER is the option to disable this feature, and let the data-
logger trigger EVERY set alarm.
After configuration, click Save to proceed.
If you selected SMS, email or FTP, the relative configuration option will be activated.
SMS Configuration
Figure 72
This page will let you select SMS recipient for triggered alarms.
Number: the recipient(s) of the SMS
Sensor Alarm: if you have selected SMS in sensors alarms this will let you use the current
recipient for the sensor alarm
NI400 alarm: if you have selected SMS in NI400 alarm this will let you use the current
recipient for the datalogger’s alarm
Add Measure in alarm: it will attach measure value to the SMS.
Text: it allows a small text writing (up to 30 characters) contained in the SMS
Tries: it makes you choose the number of tries if SMS send fail.
Click save to proceed.
Email Configuration
Figure 73
This page will let you select the email recipient for triggered alarms.
Address: the email address of the recipient
Sensor Alarm: if you have selected email in sensors alarms this will let you use the current
recipient for the sensor alarm
NI400 alarm: if you have selected email in NI400 alarm this will let you use the current
recipient for the datalogger’s alarm
Object: email’s object
Text: a small text (30 charaxters) to be sent with email
SMTP Configuration: it will open a new page to configure SMTP parameters
Save Changes to proceed