27-November-13 Phone: 1.800.325.7867 Fax: 1.636.925.0029 www.newcocoffee.com
Error Messages Cont’d:
Bad (Open) Motor Driver - The motor errors
(Er7 and Er8) do not cause a system error
and will not shut down the machine.
Immediately upon detection the machine
will beep twice and show the error
message. Every time the key is pressed to
activate a dispense motor it clears the error
and allow another attempt to be made. If
this error occurs the dump valve still will
release water.
Bad/open motor driver. Pump 0 or pump 1.
Retry pump if the error still occurs then
replace main board.
Dry Firing Tank – the tank is empty but the
heater is on.
The control board has either seen a rise in
temperature of 1 degree a second, for 5
seconds or has seen the temperature rise to
F or above
The unit has been in the intent to brew
timeout for an extended period of time,
allowing the tank to evaporate to the
point where there is little water in the
Thermistor Error
Resistance extremely high from upper or
lower thermistor will cause or the resistance
extremely low from upper or lower thermistor
will cause a tHU or tHL warning for the
thermistor that sees the condition and causes
the control board to switch from watching the
lower to the upper thermistor. If both the
upper and lower resisters fail then we flag a
thermistor error
Check/replace thermistor.