27-November-13 Phone: 1.800.325.7867 Fax: 1.636.925.0029 www.newcocoffee.com
Pump 2 is mounted on the right side of the mixing chamber. Pump 2 supports the product BIB that is
installed directly above it.
To program a selector switch to create a drink using the product on the left, enter the pump speed
from Chart A below in to Pump 1 and set the speed of Pump 2 to :00
Program selection single product:
To program a selector switch to create a drink using the product on the right, enter the pump speed
from Chart A in to Pump 2 and set the speed of Pump 1 to 0:00.
Program selection blend products:
To program a selector switch to create a blend using both products, set the speeds of Pump 1 and
Pump 2 using Chart B as a guideline.
High Flow Rate Ratio Chart
(Use this chart if the unit is a high flow unit.)
Chart A
Pump Speed
Chart B
Pump Speed
(Blend 50/50)
Chart B
Pump Speed
(Blend 25/75)
45:1 11 4/4 1/7
40:1 13 5/5 1/9
35:1 16 6/6 2/11
30:1 20 8/8 2/14
25:1 25 10/10
20:1 - 13/13 -
15:1 - 19/19 -
14:1 - 23/23 -