The page that might display asks you if you need the Setup Wizard to do a full scan to find the PVC
protocol. If this page does not display, continue with Step 10.
Do the following:
Select the Yes radio button.
Click the Next button.
The Setup Wizard performs a full scan, which might take up to six minutes.
(Only if the following page displays) Specify how to manage problems with the detection of the Internet
The page that might display states that a problem occurred while the wizard was detecting the Internet
connection. If this page does not display, continue with Step 11.
Take one of the following actions:
If you did not yet power cycle the modem, do so now:
Unplug your modem’s power, leaving the modem connected to the wall jack for your Internet
If your modem includes a battery backup, remove the battery.
Wait 10 seconds.
If your modem includes a battery backup, reinsert the battery.
Plug in your modem’s power and turn on your modem.
Wait two minutes.
Select the I just power cycled the modem and waited for 2 minutes radio button.
Click the Next button.
See if the DSL or Ethernet cable is not fully inserted or is inserted at the wrong place. If necessary,
do the following:
Fully insert the DSL or Ethernet cable in the correct port on the modem and in the correct port
on the modem router.
If you use a DSL cable, it must be connected to the gray DSL port. If you use an Ethernet cable,
it must be connected to the red Internet port.
Select the I corrected a problem with the DSL/Ethernet cable radio button.
Click the Next button.
If you do not need to power cycle the modem or the DSL or Ethernet cable is already fully inserted
in the correct ports, do the following:
Select the None of the above radio button.
Click the Next button.
(Only if the following page displays) Specify how to manage problems with the detection of the IP address
for the Internet connection.
The page that might display states that a problem occurred while the wizard was detecting the Internet
connection IP address. If this page does not display, continue with Step 12.
Manage the Internet Settings Manually
Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Model D7000v2