12. Observe the cable routing from the Motor Control Board (MCB)
Assembly on your machine.
• Power Inlet Cable (Power switch to MCB)
• Lift Motor Cable, Lower (Lift Motor to MCB)
• Lift Motor Wire, Upper (MCB to Console)
• Servo Control Wire (MCB to Servo Motor)
• Speed Sensor Cable (Speed Sensor to Servo Motor)
• Input/Output (I/O) Cable (Servo Motor to Console)
Note: Be sure to note where all cables are routed for re-assembly.
13. Remove the zipties that hold the cables.
14. Using a short #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the indicated screws (by
arrows) from the MCB cover. Carefully remove the MCB cover.
Do not crimp the cables.
15. Disconnect the cables from the Motor Control Board after noting their
locations (see next page for detailed image).
Note: Be sure to note where all cables attach for re-assembly.
16. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the 2 indicated screws that
attach the MCB Assembly to the Frame.
17. Remove the old MCB Assembly, and install the new MCB Assembly.
Connect the cables to the MCB in their proper locations.
Use the upper screw to attach the green Lift Motor ground
wire to the Frame. Be sure not to crimp any cables.
Zip Ties
Power Inlet Cable
Speed Sensor Cable
Lift Motor Cable
Input/Output (I/O)
Lift Motor Cable Servo Motor Cable
MCB Cover
Lift motor ground wire