When a signal is clipping, it is not getting louder, just worse. The loud parts (typically the
beats) are cut, which both reduces the dynamic range and introduces distortion in your
mix. The speakers will suffer from this — and so will your audience! (Be also prepared for
some angered sound technician or club owner coming down on you.)
Hence, you should always make sure that your signals stay at levels that satisfy these two re-
The Practice
To assist you in adjusting levels, the Mixer of your S2 is equipped with various level meters
and controls. Each level meter consists of a bar of blue LEDs indicating the signal level, along
with an orange LED at the top indicating the clipping.
The LEVEL meters on the S2.
The rule mentioned above can thus be translated as follows:
Best practices when adjusting levels: Ensure that the displayed levels go as high as possi-
ble in the blue areas without reaching the red LEDs, or only very rarely.
Letting your levels go “in the red” and using signal clipping to let your mix sound dirtier is def-
initely not recommended; to add filth or distortion, rather make use of the great FX selection of
TRAKTOR instead!
Checking the Level on Each Channel
Each channel on the Mixer provides you with a vertical channel level meter next to the fader.
This meter shows you the pre-fader level of the signal on that channel, i.e. the absolute level of
the signal
it is adjusted by the channel fader. To adjust this level, use the
encoder at the very top of the channel:
Adjusting Levels
Traktor Kontrol S2 - Manual - 39