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Napco iSecure Security System
Your iSecure system will warn you of any problems by flashing a yellow LED
next to the triangle "!" (system trouble) icon located on the face of the
Anywhere Smart Hub
(and with keypad indications). Here are some common
warnings and recommended solutions:
At the
keypad, the green STATUS light must be lit in order to arm. If the
green light is off, "ZONES FAULTED" will display in the window followed by the number and descrip-
tion of each faulted zone. Note each problem zone and secure it by closing a window, door, etc.
When all zones are secure, the green STATUS light will come on and the window will display
" **** ALARM **** "
If the red keypad light is flashing and
is displayed, an alarm occurred while you were out.
Proceed with caution! If you suspect that an intruder may still be on the premises, leave immediately
and call authorities from a neighbor's phone. To silence an audible alarm:
1. Enter your code and press
. After the system is disarmed, the window will continue to dis-
followed by the zone(s) violated.
2. To reset the display, note the zones violated, then press
"E-04-NN" (Device has lost its connection)
When a wireless device loses its connection with the
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
, an error "
" ap-
pears. The "
" is a two-digit number representing the zone assigned to the wireless device
(keypad, sensor, etc.). If you see this message regularly, your
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
and wireless
device may be too far apart for reliable communication. Either relocate the
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
or the device so they are in closer proximity.
"E-05-NN" (Transmitter Low Battery)
When an RF device has a weak battery, an error "
" appears. The "
" is a two-digit number
representing the zone assigned to the keypad (numbers 83-88). In addition, the sounder will turn on
and the triangle "!" (system trouble) icon will flash until the keypad
button is pressed (the trou-
ble sounder will silence and the
icon will turn on steady).
To change the ISEC-WL-KEYPAD battery:
Open the keypad housing by inserting a flat head
screwdriver into either slot at the bottom. Gently push up with a slight twisting motion to release the
retainer tab (repeat for the other slot). Pull out at the bottom and lift off the two hooks at the top. In-
stall one CR123A (3V) with optional 2nd battery, observing polarity.
"E-01" (AC Power Outage)
Inside the
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
is a large rechargeable back up battery designed to keep the
system fully powered and working normally for at least 8 hours without AC power. Press
silence. When power is restored, this indication will clear and the system will return to normal opera-
An E93-96 trouble will be generated if the ISEC-WL-MODULE Takeover Module loses
power. If the rest of your home still has power, check that the wall transformer is fully and tightly in-
serted into your wall outlet and check its plug connection at the
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
See "
Common Error Codes / Troubles
" on page 62 for more information.
"E-02" (Go-Anywhere Smart Hub Low Battery)
The large rechargeable back up battery located inside your
Go-Anywhere Smart Hub
is unable to
maintain adequate charge and must be replaced.
An E93-96 trouble will be generated if the
ISEC-WL-MODULE Takeover Module loses power. See "
Common Error Codes / Troubles
" on page
62 for more information.