92 – SS Starter Speed Not Reached
Corrective action
The engine has failed to reach the
defined speed threshold within
the defined time.
1. Check pressure supply (plant) of starter.
2. Observe any other messages.
3. Contact Service.
93 – SS T-Preheat
Corrective action
The engine coolant temperature
has failed to reach the defined
limit value 2. Preheater is out of
order. Start interlock.
Contact Service.
94 – LO T-Preheat
Corrective action
The engine coolant temperature
has failed to reach the defined
limit value 1. Preheater is out of
Contact Service.
95 – AL Prelubrication Fault
Corrective action
The oil pressure at sensor B5.1
has violated the set value. The set
oil pressure was not reached. The
starting sequence was
1. Check engine cabling (→ Page 282).
2. Contact Service.
118 – LO ECU Power Supply Voltage
Corrective action
The supply voltage of the ECU has
undershot specified limit value 1.
1. Check condition of batteries (plant).
2. Check plug connections to Engine Control Unit (→ Page 284).
3. Check battery charging-generator.
4. Contact Service.
119 – LOLO ECU Power Supply Voltage
Corrective action
The supply voltage of the ECU has
violated set limit value 2.
1. Check condition of batteries (plant).
2. Check plug connections to Engine Control Unit (→ Page 284).
3. Check battery charging-generator.
4. Contact Service.
MS15039/01E 2018-11
| Troubleshooting | 159
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