MyoBravo Bedienungsanleitung / Operators Manual
Frequency Selection
5 Hz or lower Single twitches can be achieved with this frequency, after
which the muscle can relax completely for a short time. These frequencies are
used in the starting phase of the strengthening programmes with the purpose of
preparing the muscle for the coming working phase without tiring it. A fre-
quency of 3 Hz lies within the frequency band for the production of bodily
endorphins for the relief of pain and general relaxation.
5 – 15 Hz These frequencies are also referred to as shaking frequencies,
which will not lead to the „complete tetanus“ but otherwise do not allow for
complete relaxation in-between the impulses. This frequency span is selected
for improvement of muscular tonus, support and stability of the joints.
10 Hz is the natural frequency of the slow oxidative muscle fibre (Type I).
The electrical stimulation increases the resistance to tiredness by improving the
density of the capillary system and it increases the muscles ability to cope
with a reduction in oxygen. Onerous metabolic waste will be further reduced
through the „milking of the veins“. This frequency band is of great importance
in the regeneration phase after high levels of stress and can be used daily over a
number of hours for sportive or therapeutic purpose.
15 – 30 Hz This frequency can be used for increase of stamina of the muscle.
This is the natural frequency band of the oxidative-glycolytic muscle fibres
(Type IIa). The frequency can be applied up to one hour daily.
30 – 60 Hz The muscle stays in a state of complete tetanus from a frequency
of 30 Hz upwards. These frequencies are applied for the strengthening of the
muscle and recruitment of the fast glycolytic muscle fibres (Type IIb).
A treatment in these frequency bands should only be applied for relatively
short periods because the tiring of the muscle will begin within a few minutes
of electrical stimulation.
60 – 120 Hz These frequencies will often be selected in order that the muscle
shall shed great energy (explosive energy). With this high frequency it is impor-
tant to apply the stimulation only for very short periods.