the antenna that you have selected. This indicates that the radar will measure the speeds of targets moving in
both directions, just like normal radar will. As soon as a target is measured, the radar will tell you in the
mode window the direction that the vehicle is traveling in addition to the speed that it is traveling. This
unique feature helps you to positively identify the vehicle being measured.
Press the “Same” button on the remote. You will notice that only the arrow corresponding to the patrol car’s
lane is illuminated. This indicates that the radar will only measure the speed of vehicles moving in the same
direction (moving away from the patrol vehicle on the front antenna and approaching the patrol vehicle on the
rear antenna). The radar will only measure the speeds of vehicles moving in the selected lane of traffic
regardless of whether there is a stronger vehicle moving in the opposite lane of traffic.
The Ranger EZ
allows the radar to look past traffic moving in the other lane of traffic to see only the traffic in the lane that
interests you.
Press the “Opp” (Opposite) button on the remote. You will notice that the arrow moves over to the other lane
of traffic in the Mode window. In this mode, the radar will only display the speed of vehicles moving in that
direction (moving toward the patrol vehicle on the front antenna and away from the patrol vehicle on the rear
antenna). Like in the previous case, the radar will only measure the speeds of vehicles moving in that lane of
traffic regardless of whether there is a stronger vehicle moving in the other lane of traffic
You can toggle between the lane you want to measure by pressing the “Same” and “Opp” buttons. If you
want to go back to monitoring both lanes of traffic, you must press the “Mov/Sta” button twice.
Perform a tuning fork test
Place the Ranger EZ into stationary mode by pressing the Mov/Sta button on the remote. Put the front
antenna into transmit mode by pressing the raised “Front” button. Place a ringing fork in front of the antenna.
The radar will read the speed marked on the tuning fork, within one mile per hour, in its red Target speed
display. You may have to move the tuning fork gently toward and away from the antenna in order to get the
radar to read it properly. This is because a tuning fork vibrates both toward and away from the radar, and the
radar is expecting to see a target moving either toward it or away from it, but not both directions at once.
Alternately, you may place the radar into Tuning fork mode to perform the test, as is detailed on page 24 of
this manual.
Notice again that the radar gives two indications that it is operating in stationary mode. Firstly, the “Sta” icon
under the middle speed window is lighted. Secondly, the Patrol window is filled with dashes, indicating that
the radar will not pick up a patrol speed. When you are in moving mode, the “Mov” icon under the middle
speed window is lighted, and there are no dashes in the Patrol window.
Notice the Range bar
While ringing the tuning fork, look at the range bars at the bottom of the radar display. They indicate the
distance of the strongest and fastest vehicles in the radar beam. When you strike the tuning fork and hold it in
front of the radar, the radar also indicates the distance of the tuning fork on the range bar. The leftmost bar of
the Target row should be lighted, showing that the tuning fork is less than 100 yards (or meters for metric
radars) away from the radar.