Immediately after pressing “2
F” and then Menu – Adjust the rear alert speed
This allows the operator to set the speed above which the SafetyZone rear traffic alert will warn him of
oncoming speeders (see the SafetyZone section of the manual for further details).
When setting the activation speed, the radar shows “SAF” in the left window and “SPd” in the middle
window. The number in the right window is the current alert speed threshold. Pressing “+” causes the
speed setting to increase, and pressing “—” causes the speed setting to decrease. The speed setting can
be adjusted to any speed between 30 and 90 mph.
Two presses of the menu button – Adjust the rear alert distance
This allows the operator to set the distance for which the SafetyZone rear traffic alert will warn him of
oncoming speeders (see the SafetyZone section of the manual for further details).
When setting the activation distance, the radar shows “SAF” in the left window and “dIS” in the middle
window. The number in the right window is the current alert distance threshold (in yards or meters,
depending on the units of measure). Pressing “+” causes the distance setting to increase, and pressing
“—” causes the speed setting to decrease by 20 yards or meters. The distance setting can be adjusted to
any speed between 100 and 990 yards or meters.
Three presses of the menu button – Turn automatic moving/stationary mode on or off
When the speedometer interface of the Ranger is properly installed, the radar can be programmed to
change from moving to stationary mode automatically. This menu option allows enables or disables
automatic mode switching.
The radar will show “Aut” in the leftmost window and “StA” in the middle window, followed by the
current setting for the mode (“On” or “OFF”) in the right window. To turn automatic moving/stationary
mode on, press “+”. To turn the mode off, press “—”.
Four presses of the menu button – Turn Fastest mode on or off
The radar will show “FSt” in the leftmost window, followed by the current setting for Fastest mode (“On”
or “OFF”) in the middle window. To turn Fastest mode on, press “+”. To turn the mode off, press “—”.
Five presses of the menu button – Enable fan defeat mode
The radar will show “FAn” in the leftmost window, followed by “dEF in the middle window and the
current setting for the mode (“On” or “OFF”) in the right window. To turn fan defeat mode on, press “+”.
To turn the mode off, press “—”. Fan defeat mode suppresses speed readings from very close to the
vehicle, including those readings caused by the defroster fan.
Six presses of the menu button – Selects the type of speedometer interface
This chooses the type of vehicle that the speedometer interface is attached to. When the unit is initially
delivered, the selection is “no cAr”. This means that the speedometer interface is disabled, and the setting
is used whenever the speedometer interface is not connected to the vehicle.
The following interface selections are used when the vehicle speed is sensed through the VSS signal.
Pressing “+” or “—” causes the radar to pass though its interface selection possibilities. The installed
interfaces are