10. Verify the calibration by pressing “2
F” followed by Menu (OR 2
Menu in case of motorcycle remote) 7
times, till it shows “SPd OFF”. Hit the plus sign to turn Speedometer interface ON. The reading in the Fastest
and Patrol Window should match.
In case there was an error or mistake in procedure that happened during calibration, chose the option “No Car” by
traversing the 2
F menu items. After “No cAr” is selected, follow steps 3 through 9 to re-calibrate the
speedometer interface.
Safety Zone Officer Safety Alert
What Safety Zone is
Safety Zone is the first officer warning mode intended to alert an officer to the presence of a dangerous vehicle
when he is outside of his vehicle. It analyzes approaching vehicles and alerts the officer to the presence of those
who pose a threat (due to speed and or distance) and alerts the officer both inside of and outside of his vehicle.*
*SafetyZone serves as a supplement to an officer’s personal safety. While it improves the ability of the officer to safely monitor traffic
during stops, it does not fully replace the need to remain alert to the surrounding traffic
How Safety Zone detects a dangerous vehicle
When the radar is placed in Alert mode, Ranger switches to its rear antenna (if one is present) and begins
transmitting. It begins searching for vehicles in the radar beam that are traveling faster than a pre-determined
speed and are also within a pre-determined distance of the radar. Both of these factors are set using the Setup
menu. See page 17 for details.
Once the officer has programmed the radar with the speed and distance thresholds for Safety Zone alerts, the radar
will inform the officer any time that a vehicle approaches from behind traveling faster than the preset speed and
being closer than the preset distance.
The officer is alerted to the dangerous vehicle in two ways:
1. When a dangerous vehicle is detected, the face of the radar displays “THREAT” and periodically beeps.
2. If the external alarm is connected to the vehicle, the Ranger will activate the warning device that it is
connected to. In most cases, this will be the vehicle’s horn, but auxiliary horns and sirens with distinctive
tones are also available for the Ranger.
Why is speed important?
It goes without saying that a speeding vehicle is ignoring the vehicle’s emergency lights and also violating any
Move Over – Slow Down laws that are in effect.
For setting the speed threshold of Safety Zone, it is recommended that it be set to a number that is slightly higher
than the posted speed limit in order to minimize the number of alerts generated by radar. In areas where it is
mandated by law that drivers slow down in the presence of a police vehicle, the speed may be able to be set lower
than the speed limit without generating too many alerts.
The goal of Safety Zone is to warn the officer of individual vehicles that are not paying attention to his presence
and are a true danger, not for the alert to be triggered by every passing vehicle, which will desensitize the officer
to the Safety Zone alerts.