Less-frequently used keys.
These keys are flat membrane-type keys that are embossed around their edges to make them easy to identify by
Some of the keys have two colors of text identifying them. The red text is the default function of the key;
pressing the key by itself will cause it to perform this function. The function in blue text is initiated by first
pressing the blue “2ndF” key.
Mov/Sta – Toggles the radar between moving and stationary operating modes.
Test – Manually initiates a self-test of the radar.
Range – Displays the numerical range of the locked target vehicles when pressed.
Pat Bl– When the radar is in Standby mode, pressing the “2
F” key followed by the “Pat Bl” key will cause the
radar to blank the patrol speed display. Pressing the key while the patrol speed display is blanked will
cause the locked patrol speed to reappear.
Low/ (-) –Places the radar in City mode, if no menu selection has been made. If a menu item has been selected it
decreases the setting of the selected menu item.
Menu – Allows the selection of modes and settings that do not have individual buttons on the remote. This is
described further in the Menu section of this manual.
High/ (+) – Places the radar in Highway mode, if no menu selection has been made. If a menu item has been
selected it increases the setting of the selected menu item.
2nd F – Allows the operator to select the blue second function of a key instead of the red primary function of the
key. “2nd” appears in the middle window when it is pressed. Pressing this key a second time causes
“2nd” to disappear and allows the radar to select the primary (red) function of a key.
Backlt – Manually causes the backlight of the remote control to turn on for 7 seconds. Once activated, the
backlight remains on for 7 seconds after any button is pressed. For wired remote control, Backlit toggles
the backlight on and off.
Main Menu Functions
Settting City or Highway Patrol mode
Highway - Pressing the “+” button places the radar in the Highway Patrol mode. The radar will momentarily
display “PtL HI” in response to the command. When the radar is in Standby, it will display “Hi” in the
Patrol window. Highway Patrol mode reduces the occurrence of “shadowing” errors at highway speeds
City - Pressing the “
” button places the radar in the City Patrol mode. The radar will momentarily display “PtL
LO” in response to the command. When the radar is in Standby, it will display “Lo” in the Patrol
window. City Patrol mode reduces the occurrence of “combining” errors at city speeds