AirWorks AWK-3131A
Web Console Configuration
is set to Real COM on a serial port’s
Operation Modes
page, you will be able to configure
additional settings such as
TCP alive check time
Max. no. of connections
, and
Ignore jammed IP
TCP Alive Check Time
Factory Default
0 to 99 min.
This field specifies how long the AWK-1137C will wait for a
response to “keep alive” packets before closing the TCP
connection. The AWK-1137C checks connection status by
sending periodic “keep alive” packets.
0: The TCP connection will remain open even if there is no
response to the “keep alive” packets.
1 to 99: If the remote host does not respond to the packet
within the specified time, the AWK-1137C will force the existing
TCP connection to close.
7 min.
Max no. of connections
This field specifies the maximum number of connections that will be accepted by the serial port.
Factory Default
1 or 2
1: Only one specific host can access this serial port, and the
Real COM driver on that host will have full control over the port.
2: This serial port will allow the two connections to be opened
simultaneously. With simultaneous connections, the Real
COM driver will only provide a pure data tunnel with no control
ability. The serial communication will be determined by the
AWK-1137C rather than by your application program.
Application software that is based on the Real COM driver will
receive a driver response of “success” when using any of the
Win32 API functions. The AWK-1137C will send data only to
the Real COM driver on the host. Data received from hosts will
be sent to the attached serial device on a first-in- first-out