In addition to a SIM card-based implementation, an SE can also be implemented in
the handset itself. Such implementation may utilize, for example, embedded chips or
special security features of the hardware.
Alternatively, an SE may be entirely implemented in software. This specification does
not exclude any of the possible implementations of an SE even though some of the
packages are optimized for smart card implementation.
SEs can have diverse software and hardware characteristics, but this specification
considers the API functions based on the following criteria:
Size requirements for resource-constrained consumer devices
SE scope
Flexibility and extensibility of the API
Based on these criteria, this version of the JSR 177 defines an API to provide the fol-
lowing capability to the Java ME platforms:
Smart Card Communication - Two smart card access methods are
defined in this specification based on the APDU protocol and the Java
Card RMI protocol. These access methods allow a Java ME application to
communicate with a smart card to enhance the security services
deployed on it.
A MIDlet must be granted permission to use the privileged API in the SATSA-APDU
optional package. Permissions are checked by the platform prior to the invocation of
the protected methods in the API. Based on the security framework implemented by
the underlying platform, an implementation of a SATSA optional package must sup-
port either the MIDP 2.0 permissions applicable to that optional package or the func-
tional equivalent Java SE style permission classes. Based on the access control policy
defined in a smart card, the device determines whether the MIDlet is allowed to ac-
cess any function of the smart card, using the APDUConnection.
The smart card communication API is based on the Generic Connection Framework
(GCF), which is defined in the CLDC 1.1 specification.
12.2 Assumptions/Dependencies
The system must be compliant to the following standards:
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 12 - JSR-177 Java ME Security and Trust Services API
DRAFT - Subject to Change