JSR-120 - Wireless
Messaging API
9.1 Wireless Messaging API (WMA)
Motorola has implemented certain features that are defined in the Wireless Mes-
saging API (WMA) 1.0. The complete specification document is defined in JSR-120.
The JSR-120 specification states that developers can be provided access to send (MO
- mobile originated) and receive (MT - mobile terminated) SMS (Short Message Ser-
vice) on the target device.
A simple example of the WMA is the ability of two Java ME applications using SMS to
communicate game moves running on the handset. This can take the form of chess
moves being passed between two players via the WMA.
Motorola in this implementation of the specification supports the following features.
Creating an SMS
Sending an SMS
Receiving an SMS
Viewing an SMS
Deleting an SMS
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 9 - JSR-120 - Wireless Messaging API
DRAFT - Subject to Change