8.4 Permission Types concerning the
A protection domain will consist of a set of permissions. Each permission will be "Al-
lowed" or "User", not both. The following is the description of these sets of permis-
sions as they relate to the handset:
"Allowed" (Full Access) permissions are any permission that explicitly
allow access to a given protected API or function from a protected
domain. Allowed permissions will not require any user interaction.
"User" permissions are any permission that requires a prompt to be
given to the user and explicit user confirmation in order to allow the
MIDlet suite access to the protected API or function.
8.5 User Permission Interaction Mode
User permission for the MOTORAZR maxx V6 handsets is designed to allow the user
the ability to either deny or grant access to the protected API or function using the
following interaction modes (bolded term(s) is the prompt displayed to the user):
blanket - grants access to the protected API or function every time it is
required by the MIDlet suite until the MIDlet suite is uninstalled or the
permission is changed by the user. (
Ask Once Per App
session - grants access to the protected API or function every time it is
required by the MIDlet suite until the MIDlet suite is terminated. This
mode will prompt the user on or before the final invocation of the
protected API or function. (
Ask Once Per App
oneshot - will prompt the user each time the protected API or function is
requested by the MIDlet suite. (
Always Ask
No - will not allow the MIDlet suite access to the requested API or
function that is protected. (
No Access
The prompt
No, Ask Later
will be displayed during runtime dialogs and will enable
the user to not allow the protected function to be accessed this instance, but to ask
the user again the next time the protected function is called.
User permission interaction modes will be determined by the security policy and
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 8 - MIDP 2.0 Security Model
DRAFT - Subject to Change