1.1 Purpose
This document describes the application program interfaces used to develop Motorola
compliant Java™ Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) applications for the MOTORAZR
maxx V6 handset supporting CLDC 1.1.
For more detailed information see
Section 3.1.1
1.2 Audience
This document is intended for general Java ME developers involved in the production
of Java ME applications for the MOTORAZR maxx V6 handset.
1.3 Disclaimer
Motorola reserves the right to make changes without notice to any products or ser-
vices described herein. "Typical" parameters, which may be provided in Motorola
Data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual
performance may vary. Customer's technical experts will validate all "Typicals" for
each customer application.
Motorola makes no warranty in regard to the products or services contained herein.
Implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchant-
ability and fitness for a particular purpose, are given only if specifically required by
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 1 - Introduction
DRAFT - Subject to Change