Motorola Get URL from
Flex API
29.1 Overview
This feature allows accessing URL stored in FLEX by a Java application. Carriers flex
the URL, which is used for content download, into the phone just like any invisible
net URL. So, this feature would allow Java applications to read and display the URL
stored in flex for users that would like to download new levels of Game.
The existing functionality allows current Java Applications use a dedicated URL to in-
form users about the location which a new level of game can be downloaded. This
new functionality allows carriers to specify the URL for content download.
29.2 Flexible URL for downloading
The URL is flexed using RadioComm or using OTA provisioning. The URL will follow
the rules mentioned below:
All URLs used shall follow the guidelines outlined in RFC1738: Uniform
Resource Locators (URL). Refer to
for more information.
URLs are limited to 128 characters.
This feature enables Java applications to read the URL stored at the predefined loca-
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 29 - Motorola Get URL from Flex API
DRAFT - Subject to Change