prompts the user to enter the current value of the PIN, for verification purposes.
Interface APDUConnection implements method
When a MIDlet calls method
5 5 <9=8 >9
, the implementation
prompts the user to enter the value of the unblocking PIN (PIN used to unblock other
PINs), the new value for the currently blocked PIN, and to re-enter the new value for
the currently blocked PIN.
The implementation communicates the entered PIN value(s) to the card over the
APDU connection, and returns the smart cardstatus, or NULL if the user canceled the
Interface APDUConnection implements method
When a MIDlet calls method
5 5 <9=8 <7?
the implementation returns the retrieved value of ATR from the smart card.
When a MIDlet calls method
5 5 <9=8 <7?
the implementation returns NULL if the smart card is not present.
When a MIDlet calls method
5 5 <9=8 <7?
the implementation returns NULL if the APDU connection was already closed.
If response '61 XX' is received from the smart card, the implementation sends GET
RESPONSE to the card to get the response data before any other command is sent.
If response '6C XX' is received from the smart card, the implementation resends the
command after setting "Le" equal to XX received from the smart card before any
other command is sent.
Errors While Using APDU Connection
If a MIDlet attempts to exchange APDUs and the connection was closed before the
method was called or because of communication problems, the implementation
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 12 - JSR-177 Java ME Security and Trust Services API
DRAFT - Subject to Change