JSR-205 - WMA 2.0
15.1 Overview
This section describes the functionality that shall be implemented for the WMA. This
section highlights implementation details with respect to the messaging API which is
important to this implementation rather than restating entire JSR-205; refer to the
JSR-205 for more details. This section also provides Motorola specific requirements
for WMA in addition to JSR-205.
15.1.1 Messaging Functionality
This section describes messaging functionality to be implemented by WMA.
15.1.2 MMS Message Structure
The MMS PDU structure shall be implemented as specified in the WAP-
209-MMSEncapsulation standard. The MMS PDU consists of headers and a multipart
message body. Some of the headers originate from standard RFC 822 headers and
others are specific to multimedia messaging. In addition to defined MMS headers, it
also contains header parameters as defined by JSR-205. The message body may
contain parts of any content type and MIME multipart is used to represent and en-
code a wide variety of media types for transmission via multimedia messaging.
15.1.3 MMS Message Addressing
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 15 - JSR-205 - WMA 2.0
DRAFT - Subject to Change