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Perforating ‘Spares’ kits
Perforating and creasing can be carried out simultaneously. However, if any
adjustment is made to the roller tilt mechanism in order to compensate for the
perforation line being ’out of square’, this may effect the accuracy of the crease. If
this occurs creasing and perforating must be carried out as separate operations.
Important: The perforator blades are very sharp and
care must be taken whilst handling.
Do not mix the matching pairs of blades or anvils.
Perforating blades
The components and tools required to install the perforator are contained in the despatch
kit supplied with the machine, they are listed below.
1 off Set of standard perforation ‘56 tooth’ blades.
1 off Set of standard hardened anvils.
1 off Perforator stripper.
1 off 3mm bondhus wrench / allen key
1 off 2mm bondhus wrench / allen key
The perforator blades are split into two matching halves
and are fitted to the drive wheels as shown in the
photograph using the four screws supplied.
A hardened anvil is fitted to the drive hub as shown in the
photograph also using the four screws supplied. Again the
anvils are made from matching halves.
For perforating and other types of paper, various spares kits are available which can be
assembled to the machine in the same fashion. They are listed below along with a range
of scoring wheels,
56 teeth Part Number
- Standard stock /
fine perforations.
28 teeth Part Number
- Medium stock /
medium perforations.
20 teeth Part Number
- Heavy stock /
coarse perforations.
Standard Part Number
- For all blade types
Once the machine is set-up, the Autocreaser Pro 50 can be used to perforate or crease.