Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 34
Rev. 3/2022
4215-HS Indicator
@123 Calibrate Mass 2 Command - Reading...
[10 seconds delay]
Calibrate Mass 2 Command - Ready for CMP3 or CE command
Masses three through five are done in a similar manner. The Calibrate Mass Point 0 (CMP0) command com
pletes the 2 or 5-point mass calibration. Remove the masses from the load cell before entering this command
since it will perform the shunt calibration measurement that is recorded for use with the calibration check
command. The format is CMP0.
@123 Calibrate Command - Reading for Shunt Check...
seconds delay]
@123 Calibrate Command Completed
Ch A = S/N 123456, 100.00 Lb , 3.00150 mV/v,
3.00230 mV/v,
3.00238 mV/v,
3.00353 mV/v,
10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 49.532 Lb Shunt
unused S/N 13368, 10.00 Lb , 3.00121 mV/v, 10.00 V, Cal on Oct27-99, 4.9292 Lb Shunt
unused S/N 63220, 100.00 Lb , 2.99984 mV/v, 10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 49.381 Lb Shunt
Ch B = S/N 89991, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50015 mV/v, 5.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 486.45 Lb Shunt
Calibrate by Shunt Command (CS)
The Calibrate by Shunt (CS) command is used to calibrate the load cell using the shunt calibration factor ex
pressed in pounds. This command will only function if you have already issued a Calibrate Begin (CB) com
mand. Note that the load cell should not have any load on it for this command to operate correctly. The format
is CS(shunt value in Lb)#. The example shows calibration using a shunt value of 553.26 Lb.
@123 Calibrate Shunt Command - Reading...
[10 seconds delay]
@123 Calibrate Command - Reading for Shunt Check...
seconds delay]
@123 Calibrate Command Completed
Ch A = S/N 123456, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50014 mV/v, 10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 553.26 Lb Shunt
unused S/N 63220, 100.00 Lb , 2.99984 mV/v, 10.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 49.381 Lb Shunt
Ch B = S/N 89991, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50015 mV/v, 5.00 V , Cal on Oct27-99, 486.45 Lb Shunt